Category Archives: Health and Wellness

Nonna’s Lentil Soup

We recently took a trip back to New York to see our family. It seems that anything my mother cooks my son loves....even soup with broccoli. Well so this soup is my son's favorite. Now for the record, I've always cooked lentil soup but apparently not like Nonna!! My mom grew up in Italy, the…
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Lemonade Sport Refresher

Lemonade Sport Refresher....replenish naturally...Homemade Lemonade with Himalayan Salt and Sweetened with Natural "LOCAL" Honey! YUM!! This is my favorite sport drink for my family. Nothing artificial and nothing to slow you down.  Below is some good information and links to the benefits of the ingredients use in my sports drink.  Kids Love it!! "Himalayan Crystal…
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Amazing Bone Broth

Amazing Bone Broth, definitely one of my top picks for gut health. WOW, it has so many amazing benefits.  I first learned about meat stock and bone broth and its benefits through Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride's book, Gut and Psychology Syndrome.  In her amazing book, she talks about sealing and healing the gut through diet: "Meat and…
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To Kegel or Not to Kegel? That is the Question…

Kegel exercises are performed by contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor muscle.  This exercise was originally described by an obstetrician named Dr. Arnold Kegel.  The pelvic floor muscle is a supportive structure of the pelvic organs (uterus, bladder and rectum) and plays a key role in helping to maintain continence, facilitate childbirth and assist in…
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