
Healthy Eating Tips for the Holidays

Healthy eating tips for the Holidays! How to stay healthy and keep on track during the holiday season; some tips from Donna Gates in her article, "Healthy Eating Tips for the Holidays." Wishing You a Joyful Holiday and Happy New Year!! Sandra
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Banana Mini Donuts

Yummy Banana Mini Donuts! This recipe makes eight but as you can see 3 ran out the door to school before I could stop them. These are great for a healthy snack, less than 1 tsp of added organic sugar in each one and lots more options to add less sugar too. Generally, I leave…
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Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate Chip Cookies! Cooking gluten free, egg free and dairy free as I have said, can be quite challenging...then adding Colorado's high altitude to the mix — an interesting combination. For a while there, these chocolate chip cookies looked like Italian lace cookies. The trick is in halving the baking soda, not having the dough…
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